Thursday, December 26, 2019
U.S. Military Veteran Suicide in Relation to Prevention Efforts Via the 22-a-Day Movement - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 480 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Suicide Essay Did you like this example? The U.S. military involvement in foreign conflicts, specifically in the Middle East, since the 9/11 attacks, has been riddled with controversies ranging from the true validity of information justifying troop deployment in Iraq, the effects thereafter on international relations, to the mismanagement of funds garnered by the Department of Defense (DOD). It has not been until most recently, within the past five years, that that the human death toll on military personnel has gained much media attention. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "U.S. Military Veteran Suicide in Relation to Prevention Efforts Via the 22-a-Day Movement" essay for you Create order As Harrell Berglass (2011) touch upon, the death toll has been further amplified by family members sharing stories of losing loved ones to suicide, and various headlines with attention grabbing titles that point out the mental instability of troops. The loss of life both in military conflict and in civilian settings in the U.S. holds true to the fact that military suicide has and will continue to be a serious issue stemming from the unique levels of stress associated with combat (pp. 13-18). A journal released by Wong (2012) outlines that the 22-a-Day movement aims to raise awareness regarding veteran suicide so that family members of loved ones may be able to recognize the signs and provide the proper help necessary to prevent suicide (pp. 20-21). This essay will critique the misguided execution of the 22-a-Day movement by first examining the morality of the movement through politics and human rights. Second, this essay will analyze the veteran suicide statistics in the U.S. since 2013 to compare with the success of the 22-a-Day movement since its emergence into the mainstream media. Third, this essay will critique the proclaimed success of the 22-a-Day movement through the analysis of scholarly texts in relation to U.S. military veteran suicide rates and the strategies and tactics used by the 22-a-Day movement. The Main Issue: Military Suicide In an online journal released by Harrell Berglass (2011) emphasize that from 2005 to 2010, service members took their own lives at a rate of approximately one every 36 hours. While only 1% of total population has served in the most recent wars (in Iraq and Afghanistan), the veterans of those conflicts represent a total of 20% of death by suicide rates in the country (p.58). According to the Associated Press statistics, in the first 155 days of this year (2018), there were 154 suicides, which is an 18% increase from last year (2017). Furthermore, these statistics exclude veteran suicides, which are estimated to be at a rate of 22 per day, Wong (2012, pg. 23). According to Wood (2011), who is a a senior military advisor and correspondent for the Huffington Post, after 10 years of war, the demand for courage is shifting off the battlefields and coming home (p. 18). Wood (2011) also stated that as troop withdrawals continue, the after-shocks that reverberate from a decade of combat are being felt here, among wounded veterans and their families, (p. 20). The rate of military personnel returning home who have been severely wounded is unprecedented despite the incredible medical advances.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
My Understanding About Islam And The Muslims - 966 Words
This class reinforced my understanding about Islam and â€Å"Muslims.†it opened my eyes to various things that I would not think about on my own. These are details I just do not take the time to reflect upon. In short, my paper will focus on the concepts of acculturation and assimilation. I have noticed these concepts in the books and articles we have read throughout the quarter. In the book entitled A History of Islam in The America by Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, he discusses the fact that many of the enslaved African Muslims were obligated either to acculturate or assimilate to gain acceptance in the new society. He gives an example of Abdul Rahman. GhaneaBassiri states, â€Å"he was presented as a convert to Christianity who been baptized in the Baptist church.†I understood this mark as when we relocated to a different place, some people tend to assimilate. There is this saying that â€Å"when you enter into a room, if everybody has one eye opened, you should do the same.†Therefore, it is comprehensible if people assimilate to the majority of people because we are expected to fit in that society. I consider assimilation as being the survival of the fittest. Nobody desired to be alienated from the rest, so they do the exact things that others do. Moreover, the concept of assimilation helps keep an order in a society. People can be easily manipula ted or controlled when they have the same values or think similarly. That’s just the way human being function; we don’t like something to beShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Islam1309 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"Understanding Islam†by Kenneth Jost, pg. 172 – 176 Islam is an ill-perceived religion throughout most of the Western world. Once known as a quiet and peaceful religion, the general perception of people from other religions and most of the world upon Islam is quite distorted. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Community Organizer Sample Essay Example For Students
Community Organizer Sample Essay The rubric should be clear and unambiguous ( do non do it â€Å"cute†) . The words you use in your rubric should clearly reflect the focal point of your proposal. The most of import words should come foremost. so the less of import words. Try to take words from your rubric that truly are non necessary for understanding. Try and utilize merely a individual sentence for your rubric. If the sentence is acquiring excessively long seek taking some words. When all else fails attempt utilizing a two portion rubric with the parts separated by a colon ( usage merely as a last resort! ) . Do non try to utilize the rubric as an abstract of your full proposal. AdvocatesAdvocates refer to the people who put frontward a proposition or proposal When composing the advocates in your proposal. delight bespeak the names of the members of the group. your class. your school and its location. Include specific information on the population or clientele that your undertaking is focused on. Example: Advocates:There are two different patronages groups for this undertaking:The first. and primary. patronages are the female parents of immature kids who live in Barangay Ganda. This clientele group is represented in the undertaking objectives for Goal # 1. The 2nd patronage group are the BS Computer Science pupils of AMACC Cagayan de Oro who will take part in the undertaking as voluntaries. These pupils are the undermentioned: 1. Jastine Earl Sabidor2. Evan Joyce Cayetuna3. Nicole Rapatan4. Hazel Laparap5. Diane Bautista6. Carlo Adalid7. Mie Amor Porferio8. Keith Jasper Durana9. Kevin Roa10. Richard John Paculanan11. Alnor Umpa12. Jalaloding Umpa The above patronage group is represented in the undertaking objectives for Goal # 2. Both clientele groups are of import and indispensable constituents of this undertaking. It is expected that important acquisition will take topographic point for both clientele groups. AimsUndertaking Aims should be SMART:SpecificMeasurableAccomplishableRelevantTime-bound.Undertaking aims are the specific aims for which the undertaking works to accomplish them within a stipulated clip. They should be specific: the more specific it is the better to plan activities. indexs and the analysis. Tips:Think about what success means for your undertaking and how you would demo that success Refer to the consequences you expect from the undertakingDescribe the focal point population and the coveted alteration among the population Include the location and clip period for each aimReflect the intended alterations in systemic conditions or behaviours that must be achieved to carry through the goal/strategic nonsubjective Aims should hold mensurable indexs which show what. when. and how conditions. behaviours. and patterns will alter Aims must be verifiable at some point during the executing of the undertaking Some Relevant Wordss to be used while composing Aims HMHK purposes:Objective # 1- To supply female parents in Barangay Ganda with relevant information sing wellness and nutrition Objective # 2 – To help female parents in Barangay Ganda in larning how to efficaciously use wellness and nutrition information in assisting their immature kids to be more healthy. Objective # 3 – To learn female parents in Barangay Ganda how to measure alterations in the wellness of their immature kids. Example: HMHK purposes:Objective # 1 – To enroll a group of undergraduate pupils ( 15-20 pupils each semester ) at AMA Computer University to go voluntaries in the â€Å"Healthy Moms for Healthy Kids ( HMHK ) Project†. Objective # 2 – To supply a 4 hebdomad preparation plan for the voluntaries that covers a ) basic nutritionary information for female parents and B ) information on grownup learning methods. Objective # 3 – To put the pupils in the â€Å"Healthy Moms for Healthy Kids ( HMHK ) Project†to offer tutoring services to local female parents. Objective # 4 – To compare the type and grade of voluntary acquisition that takes topographic point in the â€Å"Healthy Moms for Healthy Kids ( HMHK ) †as compared to volunteer engagement in Barangay Ganda. .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b , .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b .postImageUrl , .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b , .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b:hover , .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b:visited , .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b:active { border:0!important; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b:active , .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2aa51addcef041f9276d1c64e3051e6b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tobacco Stuff EssayUndertaking OverviewUndertaking OverviewBriefly explain the principle of the undertaking. the demand of the undertaking to be implemented. the attempts that have been undertaken so far and the value-added that the undertaking is expected to convey. A brief debut to the current societal and economic state of affairs related to the geographic part and donees of the undertaking. The background should besides depict the job or critical issue which the proposal seeks to decide and how intended donees will be involved in undertaking designation and planning. Think of the Project Overview as an Executive Summary ( the busy executive likely merely has adequate c lip to read your Overview – non the full proposal ) . Be specific and concise. Make non travel into item on facets of your proposal that are farther clarified at a ulterior point in your proposal. Examples: A community-based female parents and babies centre called â€Å"Healthy Moms for Healthy Kids ( HMHK ) †. HMHK will concentrate on supplying nutritionary instruction and reding for female parents. particularly those from the highly low income countries. It is expected that through the providing of information to the female parents that it will be possible to hold a direct and positive consequence on the well being of the immature kids of the community. â€Å"Healthy Moms for Healthy Kids ( HMHK ) †will use voluntaries who are pupils at AMA Computer University. Each pupil will be expected to successfully take part in a 4 hebdomad preparation plan at the beginning of their work with â€Å"Healthy Moms for Healthy Kids ( HMHK ) †. This preparation plan will supply basic nutritionary information for female parents and information on grownup learning methods. Student voluntaries who demonstrate proficiency during the initial preparation plan will be invited to take part in an advanced preparation plan to larn effectual nutritionary guidance techniques. Each pupil voluntary will be expected to lend 3-5 hours each hebdomad and to go on with â€Å"Healthy Moms for Healthy Kids ( HMHK ) †for a period of non less than 6 months. â€Å"Healthy Moms for Healthy Kids ( HMHK ) †will run with 6 full and portion clip staff members. In add-on. a Regulating Board made up of community leaders and university staff will run to supply overall sanctioning of the Center’s operation. Periodic ratings will be conducted to measure the value of â€Å"Healthy Moms for Healthy Kids ( HMHK ) †on a ) assisting the pupil voluntaries to go effectual pedagogues. B ) the development of new apprehensions on the portion of local female parents and degree Celsius ) the betterment of the well being of kids in Barangay Ganda. Importance of the UndertakingThis subdivision describes how the community are expected to profit from the undertaking. both straight and indirectly. It should besides discourse the engagement of the community in undertaking design. and their expected function in undertaking execution and rating of the undertaking. Community ProfileThe community profile is a sum-up of the history and present conditions of a community. It provides a elaborate demographic. economic and cultural information of the community. It gives an overview or series of snapshots of the country and is used as a footing for placing its potencies. The Community Profile shall include:1. Narrative text – it describes community features. such as population demographics. economic and societal history of the communities. the importance of assorted installations. Examples:Barangay Ganda is a territory of Cagayan de Oro. Philippines. The venue existed before the reaching of the Spanish. referred to as â€Å"Gandala†. One of the most dumbly populated countries of land in the the Philippines. Barangay Ganda is in the southwest part of the state and is chiefly residential-industrial in nature. It is known for being one of the poorest and most developing territories of the state. Many of the city’s slums are found in this country. 2. Tables or artworks that summarize of import informations or decisions. such as population demographics or employment tendencies. Examples: .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 , .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 .postImageUrl , .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 , .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94:hover , .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94:visited , .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94:active { border:0!important; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94:active , .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94 .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7792a25c12b7345834290a8654331a94:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Parts of Speech Essay ThesisNumber of Children of Selected Families in Barangay GandaOf the 705 female parents interviewed. many have medium sized households. Slightly less than half ( 45. 1 per centum ) have between 1 to 3 kids. One 3rd ( 34. 9 per centum ) have between 4 to 6 kids. 13 per centum have between 7 to 9 kids. 34 respondents did non bespeak the figure of kids they have. 3. A ocular map or maps that depict physical features. such as vicinity boundaries. land uses. public installations. and commercial centres. Examples: MaterialsList all the stuffs needed in the execution of the undertaking. Use a tabular array or graph in exemplifying the stuffs used in your undertaking.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Social Phenomenon Cause by Apple Store and Its Products
Introduction Apple Incorporated is a leading firm in the computer industry with computers and software as its main products. The company was started by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976, and later on incorporated in the same year.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Phenomenon Cause by Apple Store and Its Products specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Currently, the company’s main products include the iPad, iPhone, the iPod music store, and the iMac. Over the years, Apple has painstakingly embraced innovation and technology in the manufacture of high-end products that have given it a niche in the market. Consequently, Apple has gained global repute as a leading brand. Today, Apple is the most valuable brand in the technology industry having surpassed Microsoft (Miguel and Vance para. 2). This is indicative of one of the most stunning turnarounds in the business world in recent years, bearing in mind that the company had almost hit rock bottom a decade ago. Investors also value the Apple brand highly, and this is indicative of a significant cultural shift (Miguel and Vance para. 2). This means that consumer taste now shapes technology, as opposed to the needs of a business. The current research paper endeavors to examine the social phenomenon cause by Apple and its products. The paper begins by tracing the historical background of Apple and what caused the emergence of this social phenomenon. The influential players behind the success of Apple at its inception will also be assessed, along with tracing some of the historical events of Apple. Under the theoretical analysis section, the conflict, functionalist and interactionalist theories shall all be defined. In addition, the writer shall also attempt to link the three theories with the social phenomenon cause by Apple and its products.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your fi rst paper with 15% OFF Learn More History Apple Incorporated is a global company that manufactures software, computers, and consumer electronics. The company’s main product lines include the iPhone, personal computers, and the iPod music store. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started the company in 1976 (Wozniak para. 2). Although it was faced with marketing problems in the 1990s, over the years, Apple has embraced innovation in the manufacture of its various products to emerge a leading global brand. Apple Inc. identified a lack of creativity and innovation among its competitors in the market and sought to manufacture products that fulfilled this unmet need. For example, Apple II was different from similar products by key competitors such as the Commodore PET and TRS-80, in that it had an open architecture, in addition to its color graphics based on character cells (Wingfield para. 5). On the other hand, the Visicalc spreadsheet program installed on Apple II appealed t o the business world, thereby making it the desktop platform of choice. In addition, Apple II was also compatible with both the office and home, thereby appealing to many consumers. Steve Jobs is one of the individuals who have greatly influenced the history of Apple. During the 1970s and 1980s, Steve Jobs, former CEO and co-founder of Apple helped to change the direction of the computer industry. For example, he helped to introduce the PC era. Under his tutelage, Apple Inc launched graphical user interface in 1984 and since then, virtually all other computers have aped the technology.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Phenomenon Cause by Apple Store and Its Products specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When he returned to Apple in 1997, Jobs once more altered the consumer electronics dynamics with the iPod, the iTunes, the iPhone, and the iPad. Steve Wozniak was also influential in the history of Apple, as the other co-founder. He is credited with designing Apple II single-handedly in 1997. Following its success, this ushered in the age of modern day computer industry. Through his creative and innovative ideas, Wozniak has immensely influenced our everyday lives because now we have access to all the information that we need at our fingertips. Some of the significant events in the history of Apple include the first Apple I personal computer kit, built by hand in 1976. On January 03, 1976, Apple was incorporated. On April 16, 1977, Apple Inc introduced Apple II into the market. In May 1980, the Apple III was introduced. Four years later, the company launched Macintosh. In 19991, the company introduced the PowerBook, while the iMac was introduced in 1998. The first Apple retail store opened its doors on May 19, 2001 in Virginia, California (Bagnall 109). In 2003, Apple introduced the iTune store. Between 2007 and 2011, Apple launched the iPhone, the iPad, and iPad Touch. Theoretical Analysi s Conflict theory Conflict is a term used in reference to a situation whereby two or more individuals fail to agree on a given issue. Karl Marx has been defined as a conflict theorist and according to him human beings define themselves through conflict. Marx opined that regardless of one’s social-economic status or class, we cannot run away from our individual consciousness. Marx asserted that our history may be regarded as a class struggle hell-bent on the acquisition of wealth and as such, our consciousness is a reflection of our social group (Stark 87).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The conflict of socialism as postulated by Marx hinges on the assertion that socialism is inevitable, as well as on the doomed nature of capitalism and free enterprise. To him, socialism was the way out. Marx argued that individuals used their capabilities and labor to dominate the world and become what they are though the process of production. Production enables them to manufacture goods by utilizing the raw materials, labor, and machinery. Labor and capability enables leading firms to dominate the world. Currently, Apple is a leading global brand. This shows that the company has utilized its labor capability well and for this reason, the company has managed to dominate the world. Apple has also realised that the idea of free enterprise and capitalism are inevitable. Thus, the company has endeavored to utilize its human resources and raw materials to ensure they produce quality products. In addition, Apple has also opened outlets all over the world in order to maximize its sales. Apple products are of high quality and as such, they come at a premium compared to those of the competitors. However, Apple Inc has helped to revolutionarize the computer industry. The opening of Apple stores globally has helped to create thousands of jobs, thereby reducing the gap between the rich and the poor. Apple Inc has embraced the concept of free enterprise to extend its tentacles to virtually every corner of the world. By using specialized human resources, innovation and new product development concept, Apple Inc has managed to dominate the world as a global icon in the computer industry. Functionalist Theory Classical functional theorists are more concerned with social evolution. Emile Durkheim was a functional theorist who was more concerned with the ability of a group to survive in the absence of sound controlling institutions or centralized governments. Through his research studies, he sought to assess the ability of diverse segmented societies to eventually merge with others, ensuring solidarity by sharing systems of exchange and values (Forrest and Kaufmann 26). Functional theorists view societies as bounded, fundamentally relational and coherent constructs that functions just like our organs. As such, all cultural and social phenomena are regarded as functional in that they not only have â€Å"lives†, but also work together. Durkheim underscored the importance of division of labour in regulating the modern society. Individual tasks are very important because they aid in the establishment of value consensus. Consequently, people are able to share common goals, leading to proper functioning of societies. In trying to develop the work of Durkheim, Parsons identified four functional perquisites. They include goal attainment, adaptation, pattern maintenance, and integration (Forrest and Kauffmann 28). In the case of Apple Inc, the company has managed to maintain high quality products through constant innovations, research and development. As a result, Apple’s products have propelled the company to greater heights. Adaptation to the business environment is vital for the survival of a business. In 1981, Apple was the leading PC manufacturer but because the company ignored industrial changes, it was quickly overtaken by IBM (Fisher 66). Apple had also failed to use trade secrets and patents to protect its products, resulting in a re-engineering of Apple II products by competitors, who produced similar but cheaper products. This made it hard for Apple to compete in the market. In recent years however, Apple has responded to the market demands. Consequently, the company has diversified its product portfolio. For example, Apple has integrated hardware and software. In addition, the company’s technological improvements are characterized by unique design. In addition, some of its unique products such as the iPod, iTunes and iPhone have seen the company transcend beyond the computer industry barriers. Apple Inc has managed to become a leading global brand because of the working cohesion between the management and the employees. The same cohesion has also led to the manufacture of innovative products. Such cohesion is necessary especially in a cutthroat industry such as the computer industry. Apple Inc has like-minded employees and as such, the company has managed to maintain social order and in the process, ensure solidarity. Because Apple has turned into a complex organization, this has also complicated division of labor. Therefore, people have to be rewarded according to their contribution to their firm. The founding of Apple was a major breakthrough in the computer industry because it allowed for sharing of valuable information, knowledge, and experiences. As such, it can be seen as an aid towards the transformation of society from â€Å"primitive†to â€Å"advanced†, in line with the arguments held by Emilie Durkheim. Interactionalist Theory The interactionist theory is usef ul in explaining social dynamics. The theory explores the symbolic meaning of group-to-group, face-to-face, and individual interaction. Max Weber was an interactionsit theorist who endeavored to examine how individuals created ideas and made sense of the world through group memberships, social relationships, as well as discourse. Foucault was another interactionist theorist who theorized that by taking up routines, practices, and habits, people create their personalities and identities to turn into certain kind of individuals (Stark 89). The social phenomena that is Apple appears to uphold the arguments held by both Max Weber and Foucault in that the various products manufactured by the company also happen to be the tools for social interaction in the modern day information age. For example, Apple computers enable members of the society to interact via such social media as Facebook and Twitter. The iPad and iPhone products have also been manufactured with the main goal of facilitati ng human-to-human interaction. Accordingly, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, as well as the rest of the employees at Apple have helped to advance the interactionist theory. Conclusion Apple Inc has overtaken Microsoft as the most valuable brand in the technology industry. This is because the company has adapted to the business environment by giving preference to the tastes of the consumers, as opposed to the needs of the business. The social phenomenon that is Apple emerged when the company’s founders identified a lack of creativity and innovation among its competitors, forcing the firm to start manufacturing products that fulfilled the unmet needs. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are two of the most influential individuals behind the success of Apple. Apple has utilized its labor capital well in the manufacture of leading products and software. In addition, the company has embraced the idea of free enterprise and capitalism, in line with Karl Marx’s conflict theory. As a socia l phenomenon, Apple also upholds the arguments by Foulcault and Max Weber on the interactionist theory. Works Cited Bagnall, Brian. On the Edge: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Variant Press, 2005. Print. Forrest, Baird and Kaufmann, Walter. From Plato to Derrida. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. Print. Fisher, Anne. â€Å"America’s Most Admired Companies†. Fortune, 157.5(2008): 65- 67. Miguel, Helft and Vance, Ashley. â€Å"Apple Passes Microsoft as No. 1 in Tech.† The New York Times 26 May 2010. Stark, Rodney. Sociology (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomas Wadsworth, 2007. Print. Wingfield, Nick. â€Å"Apple’s Lower Prices Are All Part of the Plan†. 23 October 2011. Wozniak, Stephen. Homebrew And how The Apple Came To Be. n. d. Web. This essay on Social Phenomenon Cause by Apple Store and Its Products was written and submitted by user K0lten to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Compare and Contrast Essay Sample on Cultural Diversity
Compare and Contrast Essay Sample on Cultural Diversity The traditional custom of female circumcision, also known as female genital mutilation (FGM) persists primarily in Africa but has occurrences in at least 28 countries (Morris, 1996, pg. 43). FGM is a collective term that describes several different traditional, not religious, rituals. It has been estimated that between 100 million and 140 million infants, toddlers, children and adolescent females have undergone a FGM procedure and that between 4-5 million of these procedures are performed yearly (Althaus, 1997, pg.1). FGM is most often performed between the ages of 4-10 years and is performed by the village physician (Althaus, 1997, pg. 2). Typically the procedure uses a variety of instruments, such as knives, broken glass, and fruit thorns (Morris, 1996, pg. 45). According to Rita Morris, PhD, the procedures are classified according to the severity of structural disfigurement. Type I, often known as clitorectomy, involves removal of the skin surrounding the clitoris, and may or may not include removal of the clitoris. Type II, or excision, is the removal of the clitoris and part of all of the labia minora. The excisions are sutured with catgut or fruit thorns. Type III, infibulation, is the most severe form of FGM. In infibulation, the entire clitoris and labia minora are removed and the labia majora are sewn together, leaving only a large enough opening in the vagina for urination and menstruation. There are many physical and psychosocial ramifications associated with all types of FGM. FGM has been performed on individuals from many cultures; however, the procedure is not indoctrinated or required by any specific faith or religion (JAMA, 1995, pg. 1714). It has been estimated that approximately 98% of all Somalian women, 94% of Mali women, and 82% of Sudanese women have undergone FGM (JAMA, 1995, pg. 1714). The cultures that uphold these customs do so to: uphold group identity, maintain cleanliness and health, preserve virginity and family honor, and to further marriage goals (Morris, 1996, pg. 47). If a woman is not circumcised, she is considered to be â€Å"unmarriable†. In some societies, uncircumcised women are regarded as unclean and are not allowed to handle food or water (Morris, 1996, pg. 47). Others believe that the clitoris is dangerous and that if during childbirth, the baby’s head touches the clitoris, the baby will die (Morris, 1996, pg. 47). Those women that have not undergone the procedure are shunned by the culture and are considered t o be dangerous (Morris, 1996, pg.47). The debate over medicalization of FGM is relatively recent. In 1996, the Congress of the United States enacted legislation to criminalize the performance of FGM by practitioners on females younger than 18 years of age and to develop educational programs about the harmful consequences of FGM (Althaus, 1997, pg. 2). The World Health Organization (WHO) considers that â€Å"the medicalization of the procedure does not eliminate harm and is inappropriate for two major reasons: genital mutilation runs against basic ethics of health care whereby unnecessary bodily mutilation cannot be condoned: and, it’s medicalization seems to legitimize the harmful practice†(JAMA, 1995. pg. 1715). In1997, the WHO, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and the United Nations Population Fund issued a statement noting that FGM is a deeply rooted cultural practice; culture is a dynamic state and is capable of change (Althaus, 1997, pg. 4). Much work is being done in the area of education and cultural sensitivity. Although the Western medical community believes that refusal to perform FGM may reflect an ethnocentric viewpoint, protection of physical and mental health should be of utmost concern (Althaus, 1997. pg. 48). Various approaches to education can be implemented: community education, alternative rituals, and support groups should be available. Upon reviewing the literature cited above, this researcher believes that this will be a very prevalent issue in her practice. Since Minnesota has quite a number of Somalian families, these issues will need to be addressed and in various settings and environments. This controversy may exist on an OB/GYN floor, a women’s unit, in labor and delivery, in an OR setting; in rural settings or in big cities. Since western medicine laws have been enacted, our practice of this procedure is very limited for those of varying cultures. It is a crime to perform these procedures on females under the age of 18 years and legislation does not regulate which types of FGM are available. It has been criminalized because the procedures have been viewed as a human rights violation and because the procedures are barbaric (Morris, 1996. pg. 46), however, the United States has a growing number of elective cosmetic surgeries each year, including labial reductions and genital reconstructions. Although th ese elective surgeries are legal, certain laws could be written to lessen the severity of FGM, yet still allow the culture to express itself. It is this researcher’s view that Western medicine allows our people to make a choice, but in the African culture, this procedure is not a choice. The procedures are severe in surgical nature and are performed in unsterile environments, using unclean techniques (Althaus, 1997, pg. 3). Our culture is aware of the sensitivity needed to ensure good quality and proper health care. This researcher believes that to guarantee the best health care experience, the client must be able to make their own decisions, thus adults should be allowed to make decisions for themselves, based on proper teaching, knowledge base, medical practice, and counseling.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Artificial Selection in Plants
Artificial Selection in Plants In the 1800s, Charles Darwin, with some help from Alfred Russel Wallace, first came up with his Theory of Evolution. In this theory, for the first time that had been published, Darwin proposed an actual mechanism for how species changed over time. He called this idea natural selection. What Is Natural Selection? Basically, natural selection means individuals with the favorable adaptations for their environments would survive long enough to reproduce and pass down those desirable traits to their offspring. Eventually, the unfavorable characteristics would no longer exist after many generations and only the new, favorable adaptation would survive in the gene pool. This process, Darwin hypothesized, would take very long periods of time and several generations of offspring in nature. When Darwin returned from his voyage on the HMS Beagle where he first developed his theory, he wanted to test his new hypothesis and turned to artificial selection to gather that data. Artificial selection is very similar to natural selection since its aim is to accumulate favorable adaptations to create a more desirable species. However, instead of letting nature take its course, evolution is helped along by humans who choose the traits that are desirable and breed individuals possessing those characteristics to create offspring that have those traits. Experiments With Artificial Selection Charles Darwin worked with breeding birds and could artificially select various characteristics such as beak size and shape and color. He showed that he could change the visible features of the birds to show certain traits, much like natural selection would do over many generations in the wild. Artificial selection does not only work with animals, however. There is also a great demand for artificial selection in plants in the present time. Perhaps the most famous artificial selection of plants in biology is the origin of Genetics when Austrian monk Gregor Mendel bred pea plants in his monastery’s garden to collect all of the data that began the entire field of Genetics. Mendel was able to cross-pollinate the pea plants or let them self-pollinate depending on what traits he wished to see in the offspring generation. By doing an artificial selection of his pea plants, he was able to figure out many of the laws that govern the genetics of sexually reproducing organisms. For centuries, humans have been using artificial selection to manipulate the phenotypes of plants. Most of the time, these manipulations are meant to produce some sort of aesthetic change in the plant that is pleasing to look at for their tastes. For instance, flower color is a large portion of artificially selecting for the plant’s traits. Brides planning their wedding day have a special color scheme in mind, and flowers that match that scheme are important to bringing their imagination to life. Florists and flower producers can use artificial selection to create blends of colors, different color patterns, and even leaf coloring patterns on their stems to get the desired results. Benefits of Artificial Selection in Plants Around Christmas time, poinsettia plants are popular decorations. The colors of poinsettias can range from a deep red or burgundy to a more traditional bright red for Christmas, to white, or a mixture of any of those. The colored part of the poinsettia is actually a leaf and not a flower, but artificial selection is still used to get the desired color for any given plant. Artificial selection in plants is not just for pleasing colors, however. Over the last century, artificial selection has been used to create new hybrids of crops and fruit. For instance, corn can be bred to be larger and thicker in the cobs to increase grain yield from a single plant. Other notable crosses include broccoflower (a cross between broccoli and cauliflower) and a tangelo (the hybrid of a tangerine and a grapefruit). The new crosses create a distinctive flavor of the vegetable or fruit that combines properties of their parents.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Write a paper to compare the external and internal forces, how do Term
Write a to compare the external and internal forces, how do earthquakes and vocanoes develope can we predict their occurance - Term Paper Example They also help in the determination of the distribution of the surface and ground water (A Living Planet 19), and the shape of the deserts and features such as sandbars (FCAT Science 187). The formation of the soil occurs as a result of erosion and weathering (A Living Planet 20). Erosion can be of many types, such as water erosion, wind erosion, glacial erosion, and loess formation (A Living Planet 20). The process of weathering could be mechanical or chemical (A Living Planet 19). Other external forces include tornadoes, hurricanes, and water runoff (FCAT Science). On the other hand, the internal forces of the earth result in the formation of deep seafloor features (FCAT Science 175), along with the formation of landscape structures such as mountain ridges, fault lines, and phenomena such as volcanoes and earthquakes (FCAT Science 176). The internal forces can be attributed to the movement of the lithosphere which is explained most satisfactorily by the plate tectonics theory (FCAT Science 178). It states that the crust or the lithosphere of the earth is divided into twenty plates (FCAT Science 178), which are dynamic in nature due to the movement of underlying magma in the asthenosphere below (FCAT Science 178). Their movements include sliding, colliding, convergent, and divergent movements (FCAT Science 178). Divergent movements, in which the plates move away from each other (FCAT Science 179), have resulted in the formation of the Atlantic mid-ocean ridge and the Atlantic ocean seafloor (FCAT Science 179). As the crust is pulled apart, it r esults in earthquakes (FCAT Science 179). Convergent movements occur when the plates move towards each other (FCAT Science 180), resulting in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Training and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Training and Development - Essay Example Who receives the training in the organization and what are the topics? First, before conducting the training, managers are briefed on the key topics that will be covered as well as the courses to be discussed in length. Additionally, after briefings of the management, the employees are trained on the topics such as quality management, business continuity, information security and environmental management among others. What are the typical steps in the training process in your organization?The steps that I would consider when training is taking place are needs analysis. This is where the managers consider the audience program that is suited for them, their level of education among others. The next step I would incorporate is an instructional design where materials for learning are provided like video scripts, leaders guide among others. The next step that I will engage is validation where the introduction is done before a representative audience. The fourth step is implementation, whe re knowledge and skills learned, are implemented. Lastly is evaluation and follow up to make sure that the skills learned are used correctly.How are your training efforts evaluated for effectiveness and efficiency?Training efforts are evaluated for effectiveness and efficiency by the results were in the company improvement in job performance is acquired (John, 2008). The behavior of the learner’s performance following completion of the training will also indicate effectiveness and efficiency in the organization.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Example for Free
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay The geriatric assessment is a multidimensional, multidisciplinary diagnostic instrument designed to collect data on the medical, psychosocial and functional capabilities and limitations of elderly patients. Various geriatric practitioners use the information generated to develop treatment and long-term follow-up plans, arrange for primary care and rehabilitative services, organize and facilitate the intricate process of case management, determine long-term care requirements and optimal placement, and make the best use of health care resources. The geriatric assessment differs from a standard medical evaluation in three general ways: (1) it focuses on elderly individuals with complex problems, (2) it emphasizes functional status and quality of life, and (3) it frequently takes advantage of an interdisciplinary team of providers. Whereas the standard medical evaluation works reasonably well in most other populations, it tends to miss some of the most prevalent problems faced by the elder patient. These challenges, often referred to as the Five Is of Geriatrics, include intellectual impairment, immobility, instability, incontinence and iatrogenic disorders. The geriatric assessment effectively addresses these and many other areas of geriatric care that are crucial to the successful treatment and prevention of disease and disability in older people. Performing a comprehensive assessment is an ambitious undertaking. Below is a list of the areas geriatric providers may choose to assess: †¢ Current symptoms and illnesses and their functional impact. †¢ Current medications, their indications and effects. †¢ Relevant past illnesses. †¢ Recent and impending life changes. †¢ Objective measure of overall personal and social functionality. †¢ Current and future living environment and its appropriateness to function and prognosis. †¢ Family situation and availability. †¢ Current caregiver network including its deficiencies and potential. †¢ Objective measure of cognitive status. †¢ Objective assessment of mobility and balance. †¢ Rehabilitative status and prognosis if ill or disabled. †¢ Current emotional health and substance abuse. †¢ Nutritional status and needs. †¢ Disease risk factors, screening status, and health promotion activities. †¢ Services required and received. The primary care physician or community health worker usually initiates an assessment when he or she detects a potential problem. Like any effective medical evaluation, the geriatric assessment needs to be sufficiently flexible in scope and adaptable in content to serve a wide range of patients. A complete geriatric assessment, performed by multiple personnel over many encounters, is best suited for elders with multiple medical problems and significant functional limitations. Ideally, under these circumstances, an interdisciplinary team representing medicine, psychiatry, social work, nutrition, physical and occupational therapy and others performs a detailed assessment, analyzes the information, devises an intervention strategy, initiates treatment, and follows-up on the patients progress. Due to the intricate nature of comprehensive assessments, many teams designate a case-manager or caseworker to coordinate the entire effort. Most assessments take place in medical offices and inpatient units over multiple visits. If at all possible, however, at least one member of the team (rarely the physician) will attempt to visit the patient at home. Despite the problem of low or no reimbursement, the typically high-yield of information from even a single home visit makes it an extremely efficient use of resources. Most geriatric assessments, performed under the constraints of time and money, tend to be less comprehensive and more directed. Although such modifications are best suited to relatively high-functioning elders living in the community, many practitioners find some version of a directed geriatric assessment to be a more realistic tool in a busy practice. Patient-driven assessment instruments are also popular among geriatricians. Asking patients to complete questionnaires and perform specific tasks not only saves time, but also it provides useful insight into their motivation and cognitive ability. To the extent that patients are unable to complete the assessment themselves, practitioners resort to traditional patient interview techniques that frequently involve input from a family member or other caregiver. During your upcoming site visits, you will perform a directed geriatric assessment (DGA), ideally with the same patient, over two sessions. In the interest of education, most of your DGA instruments are student-driven, rather than patient-driven, and require relatively little information from caregivers who may or may not be available at the time of your visit. We have divided the DGA in two parts, each with three subsections. In Part I, you will perform an expanded medical interview covering the clinical history, nutritional assessment and a social evaluation. In Part II, you will perform neuropsychiatric, physical and functional examinations. What follows is a reproduction of the History and Physical (HP) format that you will use in your Physical Diagnosis II course next semester. Although all geriatric practitioners do not use a standard assessment format (comprehensive or otherwise), most agree on basic content. The comprehensive geriatric assessment (history examination) following the Physical Diagnosis outline covers the most significant content areas of a prototypical geriatric assessment. As you can see, it moves well beyond the standard HP, which is precisely the point. We have designed it to correlate as closely as possible with the history and physical you will be learning later this year. It is to your considerable advantage to review this information before meeting your patients face-to-face on the site visits. The DGA instrument you will use during your encounter immediately follows this section.
Friday, November 15, 2019
An Article, a Short Story, and a Poem :: Writing Literature Volcanoes Essays
An Article, a Short Story, and a Poem This paper will analyze and compare an article, a short story, and a poem according to; audience, purpose, context, ethics, and stance. The article â€Å"Under the Volcano†is written by Jack McClintock and is the most informative. The persuasion to have people move away from the danger area of Mt. Rainier is very subtle. The article lists volcanoes that have erupted and when they did so. Throughout the article there are pictures of volcanoes and the corresponding text shows what is being done to monitor them. The focus of the piece is the danger to Seattle and Tacoma posed by Mt. Rainier. There is an illustration of the danger zones of Mt. Rainier when it goes off and the towns that would be destroyed by it. The next piece is a short story called â€Å"A Very Warm Mountain†which is written by Ursula K. LeGuin. This story is a first-hand account of what Mt. St. Helens was like when it erupted. She also tells of news coverage and what she writes as well. She also writes people’s reactions as well as her viewing of the eruption like a giant pyrotechnics display. The third is a short poem entitled â€Å"Loo-Wit†and was written by Wendy Rose. This poem gives Mt. St. Helens a female persona and talks about it as if it were a living woman. It tells of how humanity ignored the warning â€Å"she†gave and the destruction that ensued. All three pieces deal with volcanoes and their impact on the existing environment as well as people’s reactions. All three pieces were similar in the intended audience and the author’s stance however, they were contrasting in purpose, context, and the author’s ethics. The purposes for these three pieces were radically different. In McClintock’s article the purpose is to inform people that there is a danger that can affect them. The most blatant way this is displayed is by the map that shows Mt. Rainier’s flow lines overrunning multiple cities including Seattle and Tacoma. The article also has a landscape picture of a big town with Mt. Rainier looming over it in the background. On the opposing page is a picture of Mt.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Emergency Medical service Essay
The purpose of this report is to socially analyze the first assignment that has already been conducted. This report is divided into two parts, the first part reflects on the matter of the first assignment to identify and list significant issues discussed in the assignment. The second part performs a social analysis of the identified problems of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) organization by using a number of sources related to the subject. Personal reflection of first assignment In the first assignment, my task was to analyse and construct a common KADS model for an Emergency Medical service (EMS) situated in Netherlands. EMS was facing difficulties in serving the large area around its location in a proper and efficient way. Many efficiency related issues were arising regarding the functioning of EMS. On analysis it became apparent that these difficulties were related to three types of delays that were encountered: †¢ Patient delay †¢ GP arrival delay †¢ Treatment delay In order to overcome these difficulties, some solutions were recommended. Analysing real life organizations and making recommendations for betterment is not an easy task and relatively new for me therefore, lots of effort was put in gathering the relevant information, understanding the job descriptions and requirements. Then in depth analysis and thorough study of the working of organization was performed to reach the proper conclusions and the recommendations made were also tested for efficiency and betterment. The common KADS methodology was employed to perform the analysis and resolve the problems regarding the real life data of organizations which was a new concept for me and common KADS requires analysis and modelling to be performed through tables that depict many aspects of organization like problems and opportunities, solutions available and the process and working of the organization. Application of these methodologies to improve the efficiency of working of an organization and finding solution is different and new but with constant effort I was able to grasp the general idea of application of common KADS and making use of the common KADS methodology tables were used for analysis of EMS organization and solution was found to resolve the difficulties faced by the organization in its working. The example of Ice cream case study provided by the lecturer went a long way in helping me understand the idea of common KADS and how we perform analysis of real life organization data using the common KADS methodology. On reflection I find common KADS methodology interesting to study and I fully understand now the worth of this tool in making in depth analysis of organizations to find solutions for betterment in an organization. Common KADS is an efficient tool to use in group projects for data analysis and to make inferences regarding the state of organizations. Social analysis: In the previous assignment Common KADS modelling and analysis was applied to the EMS organization and three problem areas were identified: patient delay, GP arrival delay and treatment delay. In this section we will analyse the above identified problems and we shall define social theories to gain in depth understanding of these problems. The first problem identified is the patient delay. Patient delay is the average waiting time of the patient before calling the GP. This estimated time for the EMS organization is one hour. Reducing this delay can play a major role in decreasing the rate of death due to patient delay. In Netherlands monarchy system of government is established where a policy exists in which an individual or a function is in authority and controls all other persons under him in a company or organization. In this situation most people are trained to work under one person’s authority without any interference (Davenport & Prusak 1997). In this kind of monarch system of government implemented in Netherlands, people often own little responsibility as they are more prone to listening than action. Therefore, most of the people are hesitant in calling the GP even when they feel sick, until they are quite sure of their ailing condition. This patient delay problem can be solved by starting awareness programs in public to make them take due action quickly and contact the GP when they fall ill. According to Nonaka and konno(1998, pp42) the tacit knowledge can be exchanged between the individuals through a lot of activities such as being together, spending time and written or verbal instructions which is called the socialization. Moreover, this awareness is considered as a tacit knowledge so it can be imparted to the general public by distributing some educational materials and starting some training programmes that provide heuristic lessons to the public. As a result, the people will become aware of the danger of waiting too long before calling the GP and how it may affect their health. The disqualifications of the GP to make the right decision at the right time could be the result of the lack of education or the lack of training and experience. To overcome the problems related to poor diagnosis of the GP the EMS organisation needs to recruit more experienced and qualified GP staff or train existing GP by arranging different work shops and seminars where the GP could be further educated through the exchange of experience between the staff. The third problem identified during analysis was the treatment delay. In the treatment delay another 25 minutes are wasted before treating the patient after arrival and diagnosis at the hospital unless the patient is diagnosed to have AMI. The reason of this delay can be associated with the relationship between the paramedic and the doctor. As mentioned before, the system of government in Netherlands is a monarchy system. This system is covering all the levels of governmental organisations where the paramedic level comes under the GP level. As a result of this structure, the paramedic examines the patient before the GP as he was with the patient in the ambulance before reaching the hospital. The GP should listen to the paramedic’s account of patient condition and involve the paramedic in making the treatment decision regarding the patient. To find a solution to this problem the system of dealing with the levels in hierarchical structure must be changed. For example, the EMS should implement the federalism system which involves representative democracy which would help in eradicating the problems faced due to a weak central government and a high level of local autonomy (Davenport & Prusak 1997). Conclusion Therefore after conducting the above reflection on my previous assignment and performing social analysis I find myself better acquainted with the common KADS methodology. It is a worthy tool in analysing and resolving the problems of any organization. As in the case of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) this tool was helpful in identifying the major delay problems faced by the patients and provided many alternative solutions for the betterment of EMS service available for the patients.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Coldest Winter Ever – Personal Reflection on Winter
Winter Santiago Isn't Just a typical teenager. She Isn't typical at all, she barely ever goes to school, she only goes when she wants something. Her family life Is anything but typical, her father Is a big drug dealer with a lot of money and her mother Isn't even Like a mother to Winter, she's more Like a sister to her. Winter Is very self- absorbed; she only worries about herself, even when her mom got shot In the face Winter gets jealous because she thinks her mother's hogging all the attention.She really only cares about herself. She is very street smart though, after her father goes to prison, her mother becomes a crack head and her sisters go into care, Winter knew how to take care of herself, she knew what to do to survive on the streets without the help of her father. She's done horrible things to survive and live the life she knew, like robbing people and betraying her family. Winter wouldn't make a good best friend at all; I don't even think she would make a good friend.She betrayed all of her friends one way or another, either by hooking up with their man because he had what she needed, or betraying Simons when she got arrested because she was telling for Winter, Simons was ready to have her baby and even though she said no, Winter persisted that she go and steal for her, because she wanted something, she didn't care that Simons was having a baby, if anything she used it against her saying she would need the money that she's making stealing, for the baby, in the end Simons lost the baby, and in my opinion a lot of the blame should be on Winter.She may be a fun person to be around and go out with because she does know how to have fun, but I would never want her as a friend because she's not loyal and she is untrustworthy.She does have a of of maturing to do though, so I really shouldn't judge too harshly, you can tell by the end of the book, when she Is In prison, and goes to her mother's funeral, she's a different person, her views on life are totally different, and when she sees her younger sister doing the same things she was doing she wants to stop her and tell her everything that she had gone through, but she held back knowing that it would only make her sister angry and make Winter look Jealous.I think that going to prison changed Winter In the best way, she was no longer the elf-absorbed, conceited â€Å"ghetto-princess†that she was before she had gone to prison, she actually grew up, and matured during her time In. The Coldest Winter Ever – Personal Reflection on Winter Santiago. By Joann Winter Santiago isn't Just a typical teenager. She isn't typical at all, she barely ever goes to school, she only goes when she wants something.Her family life is anything but typical, her father is a big drug dealer with a lot of money and her mother isn't even like a mother to Winter, she's more like a sister to her. Winter is very self- absorbed; she only worries about herself, even when her mom got shot in the face Win ter gets Jealous because she thinks her mother's hogging all the attention. She friend at all; I don't even think she would make a good friend.She betrayed all of her didn't care that Simons was having a baby, if anything she used it against her saying untrustworthy. She does have a of of maturing to do though, so I really shouldn't judge too harshly, you can tell by the end of the book, when she is in prison, and goes I think that going to prison changed Winter in the best way, she was no longer the prison, she actually grew up, and matured during her time in.
Friday, November 8, 2019
How Static Fields in Java Work
How Static Fields in Java Work There can be times when its useful to have values that are shared across all instances of a particular class. Static fields and static constants enable this type of sharing by belonging to the class and not to the actual objects. The Static Modifier Normally fields and methods defined in a class can be used only when an object of that class type has been created. For example, consider a simple Item class that keeps track of goods in a store: public class Item {   private String itemName;   public Item(String itemName)   {     this.itemName itemName;   }   public String getItemName()   {     return itemName;   } } To be able to use the getItemName() method, we must first create an Item object, in this case, catFood: public class StaticExample {   public static void main(String[] args) {     Item catFood new Item(Whiskas);     System.out.println(catFood.getItemName());   } } However, if the static modifier is included in a field or method declaration, no instance of the class is required in order to use the field or method - they are associated with the class and not an individual object. If you look back at the above example, you will see that the static modifier is already being used in the main method declaration: public static void main(String[] args) { The main method is a static method that does not require an object to exist before it can be called. As main() is the starting point for any Java application, there are in fact no objects already in existence to call it. You could, if you felt like having a program that continually calls itself, do this: public class StaticExample {   public static void main(String[] args) {     String[] s {random,string};     StaticExample.main(s);     } } Not very useful, but notice how the main() method can be called without an instance of a StaticExample class. What Is a Static Field? Static fields are also known as class fields. They are simply fields that have the static modifier in their declarations. For example, lets go back to the Item class and add a static field: public class Item {   //static field uniqueId   private static int uniqueId 1;   private int itemId;   private String itemName;   public Item(String itemName)   {     this.itemName itemName;     itemId uniqueId;     uniqueId;   } } The fields itemId and itemName are normal non-static fields. When an instance of an Item class is created, these fields will have values that are held inside that object. If another Item object is created, it too will have itemId and itemName fields for storing values. The uniqueId static field, however, holds a value that will be the same across all Item objects. If there are 100 Item objects, there will be 100 instances of the itemId and itemName fields, but only one uniqueId static field. In the above example, uniqueId is used to give each Item object a unique number. This is easy to do if every Item object that is created takes the current value in the uniqueId static field and then increments it by one. The use of a static field means that each object does not need to know about the other objects to get a unique id. This could be useful if you wanted to know the order in which the Item objects were created. What Is a Static Constant? Static constants are exactly like static fields except that their values cannot be changed. In the field declaration, the final and static modifiers are both used. For example, perhaps the Item class should impose a restriction on the length of the itemName. We could create a static constant maxItemNameLength: public class Item {   private static int id 1;   public static final int maxItemNameLength 20;   private int itemId;   private String itemName;   public Item(String itemName)   {     if (itemName.length() maxItemNameLength)     {       this.itemName itemName.substring(0,20);     }     else     {       this.itemName itemName;     }     itemId id;     id;   } } As with static fields, static constants are associated with the class rather than an individual object: public class StaticExample {   public static void main(String[] args) {     Item catFood new Item(Whiskas);     System.out.println(catFood.getItemName());     System.out.println(Item.maxItemNameLength);     } } There are two important things to notice about the maxItemNameLength static constant: It is declared as a public field. Generally its a bad idea to make a field public in any class you design but in this case, it doesnt matter. The value of the constant cannot be changed.The static constant is used from the class name Item, not an Item object. Static constants can be seen throughout the Java API. For example, the integer wrapper class has two that store the maximum and minimum values an int data type can have: System.out.println(The max value for int is: Integer.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(The min value for int is: Integer.MIN_VALUE); Output: The max value for int is: 2147483647 The min value for int is: -2147483648
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Why You Should Consider Uploading Your Books to IngramSpark
Why You Should Consider Uploading Your Books to IngramSpark How can you add another stream of passive book-sale income? Upload your books to IngramSpark. Ingram has been a global book distributor for decades, and partnered with Lightning Source in 2009 to become a print-on-demand publisher. The beauty of print-on-demand is that you don’t have to pay for a print run- books aren’t printed until they’re actually ordered.  As a long-time global distributor, Ingram makes books available for distribution to every outlet in the world, including libraries, indie bookstores, and university bookstores. Some authors have complained that even local bookstores who love local authors won’t carry books printed Other authors complain about CreateSpace’s bad customer service, hidden costs, and the quality of the books. I’m not saying CreateSpace isn’t a great option, because I personally know several authors who are very happy with their experience of publishing with CreateSpace. But why not take advantage of every market? I especially appreciate having my books available on for readers who carry torches for indie bookstores. And the real plus for IngramSpark is that you can send a copy of your book for consideration to Barnes Noble’s Small Press Department ( So far, I’ve had three of my books accepted, and when I sent two together, BN ordered 36 copies of each. Plus, if you promote your books with BN links, there’s nobody there selling used copies of your books to take new sales away. If you use IngramSpark, you can bop around to bookstores and let them know your book is available in Ingram’s database (or, if you’re an introvert, just call and ask if they have it - maybe they’ll order a couple!). Before you quit your day job, there is a caveat: if you want to sell many books, you have to choose the 55 percent discount to booksellers, and make the books returnable. After Ingram takes their cut, I only make a bit over $4 per book. You can choose a 40 percent discount, but probably won’t sell as many books. Here’s a tip: IngramSpark usually has two periods during the year when they offer a free promo (spring and fall), so you don’t have to pay their standard $49 (print) or $25 (ebook) setup fee.  If you’re in a hurry, that’s not even a high price.  You’ll need to buy an ISBN ( I have a lot of books, so I made one quantity purchase when I began, which was my primary expense ($295 for 10 ISBNs). Buying your own ISBN lets you provide comprehensive details about your book (including searchable tags) for Bowker’s Books in Print database, which is used Unlike Amazon, IngramSpark provides no setup support- you’ll need to complete the entire pre-production process yourself or hire someone to do the editing and the interior and cover designs, so you have everything (interior and full-size cover) ready to upload.  Interior design is not that hard, and IngramSpark offers very clear info about their specs to make the learning curve easier.  It does take some time to master the process.  After you upload, you’ll receive specific info about any changes that are needed. There’s also a Cover Creator tool, which will send you a template to work with based on the size of your book. Two more reasons: the quality of the books is generally very good, and customer service is excellent. You can even get chat support during office hours in the midst of a frustrating issue. Some authors use both CreateSpace (to get Amazon’s attention) and IngramSpark. Might as well cover all the bases Happy Publishing!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Air Pollution or Endocrine Disrupters Research Paper
Air Pollution or Endocrine Disrupters - Research Paper Example Such disruptions manifest among humans with most affectations in the male and female reproduction systems. The US EPA has set forth the screening of thousand of chemicals in order to screen endocrine disruptors before they are introduced to the human body. This screening program has proven to be problematic because of the bulk of chemicals which have to be screened. There are thousands of disruptors which have to be tested and testing them cannot adequately be carried out without incurring high costs which the government agencies and laboratories cannot afford. Nevertheless, these tests help establish clear guidelines and standards for government officials and the general public in the assessment of these products and their use by the general public. There are advantages and disadvantages to these tests; mostly these tests are advantageous because they help determine the health impact of chemicals to the general health of the population. The validation of chemicals and the investigat ion of the disruptor effects to the endocrine system can be determined through in vitro and in vivo assays. However, carrying out these tests can also be disadvantageous because of the practical considerations for testing. In effect, there is a need for the government to be more prudent and selective in the programs it would implement to evaluate these chemicals. Moreover, people also need to be more cautious about the chemicals they use because they can have negative impacts on both humans and animals. Introduction We are currently in the midst of an era where we are facing various environmental issues. The Global Warming phenomenon has been explained and explored by various experts and politicians as a major cause of concern to our planet because of its growing impact on all living things. One of these issues pertains to air pollution and their effects to our human physiology. Air pollution largely affects our respiratory system because chemical and air-borne toxins enter our body through inhalation. The respiratory system then helps to process the inhaled gases while exchanging carbon dioxide for oxygen which is crucial to our survival. This paper shall consider the role of air pollution in terms of chemical endocrine disruptors which mimic the hormone in our bodies. These chemicals seem to interfere with the actions of hormones – mimicking behavior and upsetting normal growth, behavior, and reproduction of wildlife. This paper shall explain how endocrine disruptors enter the cells. It shall evaluate if these compounds also harm people and how they affect the human body. This paper shall also discuss the pros and cons of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) screening thousands of chemicals that are used as endocrine disruptors before they are introduced to the human body. It shall discuss this student’s opinion on whether EPA is right in conducting the screening. This paper is being carried out in order to establish a clear and comprehens ive assessment of these endocrine disruptors and their impact on the human body. Body There are various chemical toxins which enter the lungs and the respiratory system and which affect the endocrine and the normal processes of our body. Some of these chemicals are known as endocrine disruptors. These chemicals are often seen in our daily use products, including â€Å"plastic bottles, metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, cosmetics, and pesticidesâ€
Friday, November 1, 2019
T-Mobile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
T-Mobile - Essay Example For example, as material resources such as buildings, equipment or machinery deteriorate or lose efficiency; or as human resources get older, or as skills and abilities become outdated. Some of this change can be managed through careful planning; for example, regular repairs and maintenance; choice of introducing new technology or methods of work; effective manpower planning to prevent a large number of staff retiring at the same time; management succession planning; training and staff development (Handy, 1993). A senior manager should take into account internal and external factors that influence the company. T-mobile can only perform effectively through interactions with the broader external environment of which it is part. The structure and functioning of T-mobile must reflect, therefore, the nature of the environment in which it is operating. Factors such as uncertain economic conditions, fierce world competition, the level of government intervention, scarcity of natural resources and rapid developments in new technology create an increasingly volatile environment. In order to help ensure its survival and future success T-mobile must be readily adaptable to the external demands placed upon it. External change drivers are caused by innovation rapid technological changes and innovations proposed by competitors within the industry. One of the major changes deals with the specification of goods which may be considered in terms of their design features and performance characteristics (Vonderembse, White, 2003). Together these measurements define what the item is and how it is intended to perform its purpose. Also, the specification of a transport may be expressed in terms of its "design" and performance. In this context design i.e. the nature of the transport, movement may be expressed in terms of the origin, destination and route of movement. Present day situation in T-Mobile USA is marked by two factor - specification, which is to do with the 'design quality' of service, and conformity, which is to do with the 'process' quality which is achieved are of particular importance to customers. Ultimately they are the two factors which determine the quality levels provided by T-Mobile USA to its customers. These two factors however are themselves determined by other factors. Service concepts are based on understanding the unique environment in which T-Mobile USA operate. Service concepts include improvement of communication, and the environment composed of all the individual services used for implementation of the group communication primitives. T-mobile planned organisational change is triggered by the need to respond to new challenges or opportunities presented by the external environment, or in anticipation of the need to cope with potential future problems. Major competitors of T-mobile, Sony and Samsung, recently develop a completely new model of portable mobile phones which goes ahead all models exciting on the market, that is why further technological development is an urgent need for T-mobile. This planned change represents an intentional attempt to improve, in some important way, the operational effectiveness of T-mobile. The basic underlying objectives can be seen in general terms as: modifying the behavioural patterns of members of T-mobile; and improving the ability of T-mobile to cope with changes in its environment. Internal change drivers The increasing need for change in T-mobile Corporation
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Stress Management in Organisation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Stress Management in Organisation - Assignment Example The relationship between marketing and information technology, in this case, is vital because both coexist to improve the other. For instance, information technology plays a role as a management tool in a business organization e.g. decision making and strategic management. To illustrate this, we can say for instance that organizations do produce goods and services at a given level of production that meet the demand on a daily basis. Not every day does a business enjoy boom sales and so decisions related to output will be based on the information management has in order to meet the demand of the market. In strategic management, the company will be able to enjoy a competitive advantage (Kotler, pg 22). This is developed through distinguishing a company in an extraordinary business in contrast with other players in the consumer’s opinion. This can only be achieved through information technology. Implementing this strategy will lead to an improvement in the efficiency and effectiv eness of the organization. Competitive advantage has an important role in the success of a business and in accomplishing this; the organization will need a Marketing structure that will help to realize their objective (Mohr, pg 23). Information technology plays an important role in improving the value of products. This can be taken from the perspective of quality of goods and services produced. The technology gives a systematic test in making sure that goods produced are of the right quality thereby adding value. One way of ensuring that quality is achieved is through the marketing followed by accounting from the customer and finally testing of products which involve effective and efficient procedures of information technology. The high-quality goods that have been produced will be taken to the market and marketing will aid in making them public (Nambisan, pg 7).  Â
Monday, October 28, 2019
Effects of Allergies on the Body
Effects of Allergies on the Body The human body is made with different kinds of immunity, which protects it from anything that could harm the body. During an allergic reaction, the immune system erroneously believes that what have entered the body are harmful, thus producing antibodies called IgE (immunoglobulin E) antibodies to protect itself from the harmful element. It then circulates through the blood forming IgEs, which are specific to something as light as food. After this food-specific IgE is formed, it attaches itself to the mast cell which in turn produces chemicals into the bloodstream. These chemicals include what we call Histamine which acts on the parts of the body near to the mast cell attached with IgE antibodies. Examples are nose, eye, throat, skin, lungs, or gastrointestinal tract. This causes the distinctive allergic reactions. Take note that these cells are present in all body tissues. Once the body detects the food which it recognizes as the antibody, the bodys immune system will again fight the food off by going through the whole process of the allergic reaction. While other allergic reactions could be life-threatening such as anaphylaxis or asthma some could be just a simple rash, itchy eyes or sneezing. The reaction depends on the person and is known to be unpredictable. Title: common allergens There are almost 25% of the worlds populations who believe they have food allergies but studies show that only 6% of children and 2% of adults suffers from known types of allergic reactions. Some might just have food intolerance. Such is not linked with the immune system. Here are 8 common allergens most people are allergic to: Peanuts Milk Eggs Fish Tree nuts Wheat Shellfish Soy Kids in their earlier years might outgrow their allergies. However, it always depends on the food that they are allergic to. Usually allergies brought by eggs, milk, soy etc., are likely to be outgrown by children by the time they reach the age of 5 but only 20% of them outgrow allergies cause by peanuts and 10% on tree nuts. Allergic reactions triggered by shellfish or fish which develops later in life are unlikely to be outgrown. A person could be allergic to any foods depending on the reaction of its immune system which either rejects or accepts a type of substance that enters the body. Once the immune system marked the substance as harmful to the body, the substance, then, becomes an allergen for the person Title: first aid during allergic reactions It has been a fact that prevention is better than cure and for persons who are recently experiencing allergies from different allergens, it is a must follow rule. However, there are still situations in which the person forgets or accidentally bumps to some allergens he might not know of. Mild allergic reactions could usually be treated at home; here are some first aid instructions on mild allergies: For mild skin reactions, shower or apply cold compress. For itching, apply calamine lotion or take over the counter antihistamine or Claritin. If you were prescribed with epinephrine, inject yourself, as instructed. This kind of injections is premeasured for rapid relief of severe allergic reactions. For obstruction on breathing, it would be best if any Bystander would be able to perform CPR before the ambulance arrives to keep the patient breathing. For other reactions you should: stay calm, stay away from possible exposure to allergen, take antihistamine or Claritin and if you are feeling light headed or dizzy lie down with your leg raised higher than your head to keep the blood circulating to your brain. These first aid instructions could only be applied to mild reactions; it is still a must to call for a doctor or an ambulance to provide appropriate medication. Title: misconception about allergies There are now thousands of people around the world suffering from different kinds of allergic reactions. Listed below are some misconceptions on allergies: Most food allergies could be outgrown. It is indeed a fact that for kids below five years of age does outgrow some of their mild allergies. However, allergies which are distinctive pass the age of five is unlikely outgrown. Food allergy is not fatal. Mild allergies are not dangerous but there are cases in which triggers anaphylaxis or shortness of breath that could be fatal, this kind of reactions usually comes from peanuts. A person who has allergies is allergic to other foods. Studies show that a person with food allergies is only allergic to not more than four kinds of food. Some could be allergic to sugar. If there is one thing that the body could not be allergic to it would be sugar and fats. Food intolerance is an allergic reaction. Although gastrointestinal tract is included to parts which are affected during allergic reactions, having an upset stomach may be a result of something else. Always bear in mind that if the reaction you are experiencing involves your immune system then and only then can it could be called an allergic reaction. Title: symptoms of food allergies Symptoms of food allergies do not show up until the body digests it. Depending on the time of digestion, only few symptoms would become distinctive. This reaction may take from a few minutes to a few hours. The initial allergic reactions could be from simple itching to difficulty breathing, while the food is being digested in the stomach, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting would start, this phase is most often confused with food allergies or food intolerance. After digestion, the antibodies produced by the bodys immune system would go into the bloodstream to fight off the allergens this phase may cause eczema (skin inflammation) or hives (red or itchy bumps on skins). And when it reaches the respiratory organs, depending on the kind of allergic reaction could cause difficulty in breathing, as this allergens pass through the blood vessels it may also cause muscle weakness or lightheadedness and worst could be anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis could be seriously fatal even if it started out with just a feeling of tingling in the throat this could go on to shortness of breath. Proper medical attention is required. Some mild food allergies may stop to just itching and after some few treatments or dose of antihistamine. Title: Allergy: A Brief Explanation Allergy is exaggerated and a substance that causes an allergic reaction called allergens. Such common allergens that may result to an allergy exposure are the plant pollens from grasses, trees, or ragweed; tiny scales shed from the feathers, hair or skin of various animals; arachnids and insects, such as house dust mites, bees, and wasps; and drugs, such as penicillin. Hard-shelled animal (e.g. .lobster, crabs, and shrimps), eggs, fish, milk, peanuts, soybeans, tree nuts, and wheat are among the most common food allergies. Researchers estimate that at least 24 million people in the United States suffer from allergies, about 19 percent of the population. Allergy affects the immune system. Immune System is a group of cells, molecules, and organs that act together to protect our body against foreign invaders that may cause disease, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The health of our body is dependent on the immune systems ability to recognize, drive away and destroy these invaders. Upon first exposure to an allergen, no allergic symptoms may develop. When the person is exposed to same substances at a later time, the allergic reaction against the lgE (immunoglobulin E) antibodies may activate the allergen. Here are some allergy symptoms: Itching Sneezing Stuffy nose Watery eyes Inflammation of the airways in the lungs Wheezing There are also seldom incidents of allergic shock and death. Title: Allergy: Does it affect self-image? Allergies are abnormal reaction of the immune system to certain substances. Allergic reactions vary from one individual to another. A person may be allergic to something that is typically harmless to other people. These substances are called allergens, which include food, house dust, medicines, insect stings, and latex rubber. Self-image is about how people think of themselves physically. It can be closely linked to self-esteem because as individuals grow, they care more of how others see them. Self-esteem is essential because this influences how a person acts. When you are confident about yourself, you are more in control of your behavior, you can make more friends, and you enjoy life more. Allergies can have a major impact on a persons emotional state. When allergies attack, physical symptoms such as sneezing, sniffling, watery eyes, congestion and itching, can affect peoples mood, some may feel annoyed, irritable, and frustrated. Some sufferers could actually feel less attractive and may feel self-conscious which makes them less productive in life. One of the best ways to deal with allergies is to avoid the allergens. Although there are significant improvements in the medical arena as to how allergies can be treated, avoidance remains the best way to stay away from allergic reactions. Do this, and be able to maintain good self-image at the same time. Title: Different Allergy Symptoms Allergen is any substance that causes an allergic reaction. Many allergens such as pollen of plants, molds exposure, dust mites, animal dander and the hazardous chemicals are airborne particles. In these cases, symptoms arise in areas in contact with air, such as the eyes, the nose, and the lungs. Example is allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fevers, a condition due to allergy that imitates a continuing cold. Symptom includes irritation of the nose, sneezing, itching and redness of the eyes. Inhaled allergens can also lead to an asthmatic symptoms caused by narrowing of the airways and increased production of secretion in the lungs, shortness of breath coughing and wheezing. Aside from these allergens in surrounding area, allergic reactions can result from foods, insect stings, and reactions to medicines like aspirin and antibiotics such as penicillin. Symptoms of food allergy include abdominal pain, swollen or inflated, vomiting, diarrhea, itchy skin, and swelling of the skin during hives. Food allergies rarely cause asthmatic reactions, or rhinitis. Insect stings, antibiotics, and certain medicines produce a systemic allergic response that is also called anaphylaxis (extreme sensitivity); multiple organ systems can be affected, including the digestive system, the respiratory system, and the circulatory system. Depending of the rate of severity, it can cause continuous reactions, enlargement, low blood pressure, coma, and even death. Latex is also common causes of allergic reactions this is a substances that touches the skin. This is also known as contact skin inflammation. Skin allergies often cause rashes, or swelling and inflammation within the skin. Title: Peanut Allergy: Is there a Cure? Peanut, also known as groundnut, belongs to the legume family with a scientific name, Arachis hypogaea. Allergic reactions can be mild to severe in some people. Although the main cause of developing peanut allergy is unknown, it is believed to have something to do with how peanuts are processed. The method of cooking of peanuts in Asia, for example, is frying and boiling, making it less allergenic compared to dry roasting done in Westernized countries that makes allergens more potent. Peanut allergy is a form of food allergy commonly experienced by school age children and adults. It is potentially dangerous and can be life threatening, too. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, asthma, swelling of the lips, face, throat and skin, and anaphylactic shock. If these symptoms are left untreated, it can be very fatal and may even lead to death. Peanut is a common food especially in Western countries. It is also a major ingredient in some commercially manufactured products, thus making it difficult to keep away from. Accidental exposure may be experienced. Despite the fact that the allergy can last a lifetime, some children have been said to outgrow peanut allergies. At present, the treatment for allergic reactions to peanut is not confirmed. However, management of peanut allergy has been practiced including desensitization of the immune system to the allergens acquired form peanuts. But the only way to avoid the occurrence of allergic reaction is to keep away from eating peanuts and peanut products. Title: Is Allergy Control effective? Allergy control plays a significant role in the prevention of hypersensitivity reactions. Allergies affect people in many different ways. It represents itself in various cases and it is caused by a variety of allergens. If a person has a certain allergy to something, it is important to always be knowledgeable about its cause to be able to prevent it from recurring. When you are aware of the substance causing the allergic reaction, you are more in control of the situation, you know how to manage it, and you are less likely to experience fatal consequences. How do we avoid allergens? There are specific ways for a particular allergen, but commonly, it is always advisable to be hygienic at all times. You must prevent yourself from being in contact with the allergen. And you can also try medications that are prescribed for certain allergies, like antihistamines, decongestants, eye drops, and nasal sprays. There is also an Allergy shot, known as immunotherapy, wherein an allergen is introduced to your body on a regular basis to gradually make you immune to such allergen. If not all, most of the allergies have no known cure. It is believed that strict avoidance is always the best way to combat allergic reactions. And so with this thought, allergy control is indeed effective. Title: A Brief Discussion of Skin Allergy Many think that just because their skin has rashes and that it itches, they already have skin allergy. This is not true because not all skin rashes are connected with skin allergy. Below are some of the most common skin allergies: Atopic Dermatitis Urticaria or Hives Contact Dermatitis Skin Itching without the presence of rashes There are different causes of allergy as well. The most common are the jewelry metals and perfumes. The reaction that takes place after your skin touches the allergen is called allergic contact dermatitis. The top metals causing this are nickel, gold, and Thimerosal. There are also fragrance substances that cause such reactions. Examples are the Balsam of Peru and fragrance mixes. So what will you do if you have skin allergy? The first thing you need to do is to determine its cause. You may have pet allergies or seasonal allergies. Identifying what is causing them can help you prevent them. After learning its cause, it is best to consult a doctor right away to learn about the remedies you can try. This is very important especially if you have severe allergic reactions. However, the best thing you can do is to avoid trigger factors. Avoid contact with your allergens to prevent problems. Title: Sun Allergy: How it affects your outlook in life. The sun symbolizes beauty and radiance. It represents life, happiness and mysticism. For some people, when the sun rises, normally they will embrace it with open arms. They will grab every chance they get to enjoy the sunshine. But if you are allergic to it, how does the sun make you feel? If you are faced with the challenges that a ray of light present to you, how do you react? Sun allergy is often characterized by an itchy red rash caused by an exposure to sunlight. It is commonly located on the neck, hands, arms and lower legs. Sometimes, severe skin reactions may occur, like small blisters and hives that may even spread to skin areas covered with clothes. This kind of allergy occurs only in sensitive individuals, in some instances, brief exposure to sun can trigger allergic reactions. For people with sun allergy, being outdoors, like having to enjoy the beach is quite an ordeal. There are remedies, like application of sunscreen and sun block, wearing of sunglasses and clothes that cover the skin. But being under the sun without the worries of allergic reactions is one of the best gifts that life has to offer. If the sun is the symbol of beauty and radiance, if it represents life, happiness and mysticism, then for a person allergic to it, it may be difficult to have the same opinion as others have. Title: Is There Cure for Allergies? There are different forms of allergies. One can be allergic to a specific type of food. There are also those who are allergic to certain medicines while others react to other allergens like dusts, pollens and other small particles. There are a lot of people that do not realize that they are allergic to something until they experience reactions after taking or having contact with the allergens. The symptoms may not show right away. The reactions may not show until a few minutes or hours after the encounter with the allergens. This is why it is essential that you are familiar with the symptoms. The common symptoms are difficulty in breathing, nausea, rashes, watery eyes and congestion. The symptoms vary depending on the level of the allergic reactions. There are over the counter medicines that that you can take to fight the allergic reactions. However, you still have to see your doctor to make sure that they are good for you. Many claim to give allergy cure. There are a lot of natural products offered in the market today. Some of them are the Nettle and Ginkgo Biloba. However, the best cure for allergies is prevention. Always check the label of your food purchases. You have to keep your home clean as well and see to it that the air you breathe is clean. Title: A Look at Allergy Developments Many ask about allergy developments. To understand it better, one should learn about its different categories. Once allergy antibodies have been form in a persons body in response to a particular allergen, an allergic reaction can occur when the person comes in contact with that allergen. The said allergens can be inhaled, eaten, injected, or contacted by the skin. When allergy antibodies are activated by an allergen, they cause body cells to release a substance called histamine, a chemical that dilates blood vessels, promotes fluid secretions, and stimulates nerves that cause muscles to spasm. These reactions create various allergy symptoms. Eyes become itchy, red, and watery when pollen allergens affect it. When the allergens affect the lungs it causes emission of mucus and inflammation, swelling, and narrowing of the airways, that result in asthma. Symptoms include spasms of the airways and sudden difficulty in breathing. Patients are sometimes surprised by the sudden start of allergies in adult life. This is able to occur when the combination of a persons genetic makeup and a longstanding but unnoticed reactivity to an allergen finally culminates in a detectable disease. This so-called allergic threshold is crossed when allergens finally produce enough reaction in the body to cause detectable symptoms. Many people think that emotions, such as stress, cause allergies, but most physicians believe this is incorrect. In fact, the opposite may be true: People with allergies live with symptoms that can produce serious emotional upset. Title: Allergy Risk Factors: An Overview Allergy risk factors can be categorized into two, the host and the environmental factors. Examples of Host factors are age, heredity, sex, and race. Among them, heredity is the most significant. There are also instances when the occurrences of allergic disorders are not linked with genetic aspects. Allergy attacks can be provoked by environmental factors; allergy causes are the dust, peanuts, and pollens. These factors can be easily identified and allergy treatment can be taken if one is sensitive to pollen. The threat of allergic sensitization and the development of the allergies differ with age.  The peak occurrence of hay fever is highest in children and young adults and the incidence of asthma is highest in children under 10. In comparison to females, males are more likely to develop allergy. However, young female adults are likely to be affected with diseases like asthma. There are also comparisons made in international differences. Results show there is high incidents of allergic diseases in industrialized areas compared to areas, which remain traditional, with rich agriculture. Since our bodies progress to deal with a certain level of such pathogens, when it is not exposed to this level the immune system will attack harmless antigens, and thus normally benevolent microbial objects, like pollen, will trigger an immune response. Title: A struggle with Milk Allergy Milk allergy is a form of food allergy. It is an allergy to proteins in cows milk or milk from other animals that is usually not dangerous to other people. It can cause anaphylaxis, which can lead to death if not treated accordingly. People allergic to milk are probably having a hard time dealing with it. Not only because it is a good source of calcium and vitamin D, it is also an ingredient to some of the most delicious foods ever made, like ice cream, cakes, and pizzas. Some food products may not obviously contain milk in it, but being cautious at all times will help in the prevention of an allergic reaction. Always read food labels before consumption and do not eat anything that you are not sure of. It is sad that there is no cure for milk allergy. Avoidance of milk and milk products is still the best way to prevent the occurrence of the allergy. If a person allergic to milk has accidentally ingested food with this content, and start to experience symptoms such as swelling of the mouth, difficulty of breathing and chest pain, he may give himself a shot of Epinephrine right away before help arrives. It is important to seek medical help just in case you need follow up treatment for the allergic attack. Title: Understanding Dust Allergy Even the simplest dust can cause allergy. However, the dust allergy is not caused by dust alone. The sniffing and sneezing are caused by house dust, which is composed of various particles. Some of the items that may be included in the house dust are the following: Cockroach waste Human and pet dander Mold They are very difficult to detect because they are invisible in the naked eye. They may be lurking in your carpets, sofa, bed and other furniture. They breed and develop in areas that are damp and humid. Once they come in contact with the skin or when inhaled, these allergens cause allergic reactions. Such reaction could lead to the scaling of the skin and other allergy symptoms. There are also severe reactions that can be fatal if not dealt with right away. Learning about the dust mites caused by the house dust is your best defense against dust allergy. Frequent cleaning is a must. Remember that they thrive in dark, warm and moist places. You should also wash fabrics regularly. These include your bed sheets and pillow cases. Clean your sofa regularly as well. Vacuum the carpets too. A clean house is your best armor against dust mites that cause dust allergy. See to it that you do not provide them with a breeding ground. Title: Is it Easy to Prevent Yourself from Allergy Asthma? When we speak of breathing, it is always connected to being alive and being able to do the things we want in this world. Having problems with it can actually cause us panic and worry about dying because we all know that in the absence of breathing, it only means one thing, we are dead. Allergy asthma is a common respiratory problem that affects mostly young children and young adults, and can be a problem even until later years of life. It is characterized by wheezing, productive cough and difficulty in breathing. It causes mild agitation but could be fatal depending on the number of allergens affecting the airways. There is no permanent cure for Asthma but there are several ways to control it and lessen its effect on daily living. Treatment of allergy asthma involves a lot of medications including bronchodilators and inhalers, which provide a quick relief from discomfort in breathing. Alternative ways like herbs and dietary supplements are also available to help manage the conditions brought about by the disease. It is also said that the best treatment is trying to prevent yourself from being affected by the disease. But this could be impossible to some because allergy asthma is hereditary. People with family history of asthma are at higher risk of developing the disease. If it is in the genes, getting away from it could be difficult. Title: Role of an allergist Allergist is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and suggests proper allergy treatment. His the one who shows a brief physical examination, looking in the nose, the eyes, the ears, the throat, listening to the chest and examining the skin. In various cases the allergist also performs allergy skin test. This is a kind of test that uses painless injection into the surface of our skin. A person who has a positive skin test response that occur after 15 to 30 minutes, there is a local skin reaction. Allergy treatment varies with the severity and a type of allergy symptom. On the assumption that medicines cannot control allergy symptoms, the allergist may recommend allergen immunotherapy. And it is a treatment of disease or other disorders by strengthening our bodys immune system. Testing the antibodies is an example. This is a series of injection, which helps reduce the patients reaction to allergens. In several cases, the best allergy treatment is to remove the offending allergens from the patients environment. Food allergies are the most difficult allergy type to be diagnosed and to be treated. Its skin tests are inaccurate, and blood test can be indecisive. Allergist helps the patients identify the specific suspicious foods they should not to eat. He helps patients to identify which food is the offending allergen. Allergist also gives special diet to the patients in order to eliminates food he is allergic to. Title: Skin allergy: a threat to ones confidence Most people, if not all, get their confidence with their physical appearance. Aside from facial attributes and physical features, the skin has a big role in your self-projection. Sometimes, we even judge a person and can conclude a lot of things by just looking at their skin. With clear and smooth skin, you can boost your morale and be happy with yourself. When you are happy with yourself, you contribute to your health and wellness. On the other hand, when symptoms like rashes, itchiness, swelling, irritation and inflammation are evident, it indicates skin allergy or skin disease. Sometimes, people may think they you are infectious that they even avoid being near you and all. It is needless to say that is appalling for anyone who encounters these kinds of situation. The skin, without any doubt, is very important. Not only because it covers the inside of our body but also because it protects us from a lot of diseases. Skin is the humans first line of defence against any harmful substances in the environment. Human skin can be sensitive to some substances that come into contact with it. These harmful substances are called allergens. Skin allergy may vary from person to person, as well as the treatment for such allergy may differ. So it is essential to maintain its integrity and keep it from being damaged. In this way, maintaining confidence will be achievable.
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